There is no way around the pain of a child’s death. But this book will help you and your loved ones begin your walk together through the grief toward healing. In The Walk, Denny and Karri Allen tell the story of the death of their 15-month-old son Asher, and share tips and insights for things you can say and do to help the ones you love begin to heal. And while they don’t have all of the answers, they are here to encourage you and walk alongside you. Helping a couple through the loss of a child is a long journey that takes a lot of patience, grace, and love. Your willingness to be present with them is both a gift and a blessing for which the couple will be forever grateful. Everything you need to take that first step with them is right here.

Testimonials on the book, The Walk...

Compassionate Resource

Reviewed in the United States on August 14, 2017

Karri and Denny Allen have walked a difficult road of grieving the loss of their son and share how they have been walking this journey with God's leading and the support of family and friends. They describe the choice they made after hearing God ask, "There are a couple ways you can do this; you can run toward me -- and I mean run, not walk or crawl -- or you can run away from me." They came to a moment of acceptance that they did not have strength on their own and that God did. As their grieving journey moved forward, they attended a retreat that was life-changing and life/marriage saving. Karri and Denny also share very practical ways that family and friends can be of support to loved ones who have experienced the lose of a child (and for that matter a loved one of any age) by sharing what to say or not say along with what to do and not do. This book is a fast read filled with excellent advise shared in a caring and compassionate way. As a counselor, I will recommend this book to many of my clients who have experienced lose and to their loved ones who will be supporting them.

This book is an excellent resource for supporting anyone who has lost a loved one...

Reviewed in the United States on July 12, 2017

Having lost a child myself, I know that people want to help but they don't know how. Often times people would say things that I just had to let go knowing that they didn't know what to say or do. This book gives excellent tips to the support system of anyone who has lost a loved one, but especially for grieving parents. Losing a child is the absolute worst thing that can happen to someone. Karri and Denny have excellent suggestions for helping parents through the grief process, but more than anything they offer hope during a time that truly seems hopeless.

This was a great book. I would highly recommend it to anyone ...

Reviewed in the United States on July 8, 2017

This was a great book. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is dealing with the death of a Child, spouse, parent, or loved one. I was 24 when my husband suddenly died. This book would have been a great resource for me to read and even for my family and friends. There are so many questions that come up when you are trying to cope with death and this book will answer them.

Much needed resource!

Reviewed in the United States on July 2, 2017

When Cindy and I experienced the death of our 2-year-old son Derek we wish a resource like this amazing book was available for our family unit to know how to help us through the grieving process. We are so thankful Denny & Karri choose to open up their hearts and share their walk with us all.

 Highly recommended to all that are touched by a loss of a child

Reviewed in the United States on July 27, 2017

Wow.. where do I start.. This book was an amazing read in which I found myself in tears and then in intense memorization. There are so many words of wisdom that I wish I would have known earlier in my life. The loss of a child is a parent's worst nightmare and unfortunately, we've had friends and family climb that everlasting ladder. There was a time where I stood by a relative at her daughter's funeral and as she was weeping, I had no words...or didn't know the words to say to her that would provide her comfort. I felt numb, ashamed that I didn't know what to say to help her through this process. There are still times when you see a couple that has had a loss of a child makes me fumble over the right words to express. "I'm here ...I don't know what to say...but I'm here". Thank you...Thank you for the insight of family and friends of the bereaved. I only wish I would have known now what I didn't know then. I am so amazed in your words and examples in which you write your story. I fully believe this would help any family, friend, even an acquaintance..anyone that has had to experience this incredible life changing event. May God Bless this family with strength and love so they may touch the lives of many grieving parents.

This book is not only great for the parents but also for extended family and ...

Reviewed in the United States on April 28, 2018

I cannot say enough about this book and in fact it had me at a loss for words when I had the opportunity to meet the Author! I lost my little girl in January and was gifted many bereavement books. This was the only one I finished! Denny and Karri's story will touch your heart in so many ways and if you are a parent of a lost child you will relate to so many of the things they speak of. This book is not only great for the parents but also for extended family and friends! Such a well written book that will grab you within the first few pages! You will not be disappointed; in fact I can bet you will be changed!

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