The South Dakota Location Offers:


Retreats are a great tool to allow you the time and space to grieve. A place where hope and healing can begin. 

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Grief Group

Journey through your grief with others going through similar situations. 

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Click below to find more support and learn about other groups and counselors that we partner with.

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We have a beautiful 2-bedroom "guest house" on our property where we welcome families for a 2-4 day "Retreat Experience". The retreat is designed to give you and your family a safe place to grieve. A place away from all distractions, allowing you time to reflect and learn how to navigate this journey you find yourselves on. We believe that a retreat experience is one piece in helping families move successfully through the grieving process.   

We simply hold space for families to talk openly about their loss without feeling judged. It’s a chance to come and focus on your loss; a chance to sit with it and let it process. A chance to talk and tell your story, and to keep those communication lines open with your family. It’s all about hope…we want to serve people, love people and allow healing to begin.

Different from other retreats, Healing Hope hosts only 1 family at a time, creating a unique one-on-one experience. The facilitators walk alongside the families, not as counselors, but as peers that have been on a similar journey.

Healing Hope relies on donations to function and operate. Support from community members, businesses, and churches is necessary to keep the cost of attending low for families walking through grief. We don’t want the cost to be a burden for families that attend, so we’re committing to carry this burden and know that with God and the support of this wonderful community, it will all work out. The actual cost per family retreat is about $2500, but families are only asked to pay $250.

Your support and contributions will enable us to continue to provide hope for grieving families in South Dakota and the surrounding region. 

More Ways to Get Involved



Hear from two families about what it feels like to lose a child and how a place like Healing Hope is beneficial. 


Plans are under way for the Tennessee region

Healing Hope Ministries: Tennessee. Plans are underway for Healing Hope Ministries in the Tennessee region. Watch the video to hear the Heath's Story. For more info about the Tennessee location, contact Andrew and Julie at

Your support and contributions will enable us to provide hope for grieving families in Tennessee and the surrounding region. Donations can be directed to:

The Bridge Church, 24 Main E. Rogersville, TN 37857

Checks should be made payable to "The Bridge Church" and in the memo, please write "Healing Hope".

Andrew & Julie's Story

Hello, we are Andrew and Julie Heath. On August 26th, 2012, our lives were turned upside down and changed forever. Our son Jeremy was found to have a tumor in his brain. Surgery was performed three days later, and the biopsy revealed Glioblastoma Multiforme, the most aggressive form of brain cancer. Eight weeks later it returned and again, more surgery. In February 2013, the tumor had returned along with several others. Jeremy’s cancer journey ended on April 1st, 2013. He was 29 years old and left behind a wife and two sons. 

“God often uses our deepest pain, as the launching pad of our greatest calling.” -Cheri Miller-

Months later, as we were celebrating our anniversary, we shared with one another that God had placed a burden on each of our hearts of how we could help other parents facing the same loss and grief we had experienced. After looking online to see if there was something out there like what God was showing us, we found two that dealt with the death of a child. One of the places was Healing Hope Ministries. Soon after, we contacted Denny and Karri Allen, Founders of Healing Hope Ministries, and shared with them our heart and our vision of beginning a retreat center in the Tennessee region. Since then, we’ve teamed up with them and are in the planning stages of opening a retreat center. 

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