Anchored in Hope Weekend Retreat for Bereaved Mothers: off-site
This weekend retreat is about creating a safe space for grieving mothers to connect and heal on levels only other bereaved mothers can relate to. It will allow you the time and space to share openly about your child, provide you with tools and resources to help you continue on your grief journey, and equip you with an amazing community of women to walk alongside you on this journey.
Being with other bereaved mothers can be incredibly comforting. During the retreat, there will be times when we meet in a large group setting, but we will share the most intimate times in small groups. There will be time for personal reflection, prayer and, worship as well as plenty of time for fellowship. This event is held 1-2 times a year at an off-site location.
Check out the Special Events Tab for more details or contact Karri at 605-934-2525.