

Thank you so much for considering us for your tax-deductible donation. Your support and contributions help us continue to provide hope and healing to grieving families.

You can make a donation below or if you'd prefer to mail a check, you can send it to Healing Hope Ministries, 30185 475th Ave, Alcester, SD 57001. 

Give the Gift of Hope

As a small non-profit, we rely on the support of businesses and individuals for funding. We don't receive any fancy grants or anything from the government. We try to keep expenses very minimal with just one full-time employee and one part-time. The true work of Healing Hope Ministries happens through intentional action. As a donor, you are intentionally stepping in to help us build a community of support for grieving families through the experiences we offer. 

It costs about $2,500 per family retreat, but families that attend a weekend retreat at Healing Hope are only asked to pay $250. That means we need to raise funds to underwrite the other costs that enable them to experience this much needed retreat as well as all the other small groups and events we host. That's where you come in. Your gifts enable us to give this price break to families who are walking in grief. We appreciate each and every donation and your support allows us to continue to offer the gift of hope to so many grieving families. We have many ways you can help. 


If you are looking to support the Tennessee Location, please make checks payable to The Bridge Church and in the memo, write Healing Hope. You can mail checks to The Bridge Church, 2243 E Main St, Rogersville, TN 37857. 

What kind of impact would you like to make?

The average cost per individual served each year through our combined services is about $200. How many people would you like to help? Take that number times 200. 


Gift Certificates

If you have a friend or family member who has lost a child and you would like to help their family experience the Healing Hope Retreat, you can provide a Gift Certificate for their stay. Just make a donation below of an amount you feel comfortable with between $250 and $2500. To do so, click the button below, then make sure to select Gift Certificate in the Give to section and in the memo, please write who you would like to gift it to. We will email you upon receipt with more details on where you'd like us to send the certificate. Or for more info, email us at karri@healinghopes.com.


Have questions? We'd love to hear from you and help you craft your sponsorship to best fit your business or family.

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